Teaching Experience
Undergraduate Student Instructor (UGSI) - Ornithology, with Dr. Rauri Bowie. 2015
Instructor - Advanced Specimen Preparation, with Dr. Carla Cicero. 2013-2015
Instructor - Advanced Specimen Preparation, with Dr. Carla Cicero. 2013-2015
Philosophy: I am a strong proponent of incorporating natural history-based science into undergraduate education, through both coursework and museum internship programs. The use of specimens in a classroom setting promotes hands-on, engaged learning. I also believe biology degrees should include field experience, an increasingly rare component of modern curriculum. My own education has been greatly enhanced by working and taking classes in natural history museums, an opportunity I hope to pass on to others.
Selected Outreach
Public Outreach - participated in 10+ events to discuss the LSUMNS collections and research with the general public. LSU Museum of Natural Science. 2016-present
Science Communication - wrote online articles, designed public displays, and led tours. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. 2012-2015 Undergraduate Mentorship - trained 15 students in specimen preparation, including 12 women, and 7 students in curatorial work. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. 2013-2015 Women in STEM - performed dissection demos for 5th-8th grade girls during museum tours. Expanding Your Horizons Event. University of California, Berkeley. 2015 |